TX: Texas Students Revolt Against Mandatory RFID Tracking Chips

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (NBC) — Students and parents are rallying against new ID badges that track student movement on the campuses of two San Antonio, Texas schools. Father Steven Hernandez does not agree with the district’s new pilot program called Radio Frequency Identification System, or RFID.
The new identification tags are designed to help the district improve safety by locating students at any time, while on campus, at John Jay High School and Anson Jones Middle School. RFID tags are also supposed to help with attendance by counting students more accurately as the enter the building. Full Article

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OMG, I’ve never heard of such a thing? This is clearly an invasion of privacy! Furthermore, I have no doubt that this policy will be both abused and is truly misguided? Why don’t they just surgically implant chips into the students? Very disturbing article.